National Traveller MABS foresees an inclusive Irish society where the Traveller community participates fully and equally in all aspects of society.

Our commitment

National Traveller MABS seeks to reduce the financial exclusion of Travellers in Ireland by effecting change in policy and in practice at the same time as increasing financial capability within the Traveller community.

  • We provide efficient, caring and quality advice, information and support on money matters
  • We support the local MABS in accessing the local Traveller families
  • We work with the relevant agencies in fighting for policy changes.
  • We make our service as accessible and approachable as possible

National Traveller MABS:

  • Is free and confidential
  • Is non-judgmental
  • Will listen to you
  • Will treat you politely, fairly and with respect
  • Will provide support suited to your needs to access your local MABS office

Help us to help you

We want to provide the best service possible and welcome all comments, good and bad, about our Organisation.

You can tell us what you think by filling in one of our comment cards, which are available in all MABS offices. You can also email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone us on 0818 072230.

Updated: 26 Mar 2024